Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ve Wong Kung-Fu Chicken Flavor Ramen

Country of origin: Taiwan
Bought at Super Oriental Market

So it's been ANOTHER while, but suffice to say my life has been a little crazy recently. Nevertheless, here I am with another ramen review! This one's another Kung Fu ramen, which is still quite possibly one of the coolest names for ramen I could imagine. The giant orange chicken on the package wins this one points for cool packaging, so let's see how this one measures up. Honestly I'm expecting a pretty average chicken ramen.

Pretty standard so far. One seasoning pack and some very tightly packed noodles. Check out that noodle density! Let's see how these come out.

I cooked them on the stove just cause that's my preferred way to cook noodles. The noodles soaked up a lot of the soup pretty quickly and I wasn't very impressed with the quality or taste of these. The noodles are very droopy and the soup has this strange sort of sweet taste to it that while not overpowering just feels like it doesn't belong. Overall, these have a cool name and good packaging, but there are a lot of better chicken ramens out there. Go for something better in this case. 4/10.