Saturday, January 15, 2011

Unif-100 Stewed Pork Chop Flavor Ramen

Country of origin: China
Bought at Super Oriental Market

I know I've been a little bit lax here recently with my ramening... it's due to being sick for about 2 weeks and being really busy with other stuff. Excuses, excuses, I know. Anyway, here's some pork chop flavored ramen from Unif-100. Their noodles are usually pretty good so let's see how these measure up. Mmmm... pork chops.

There's a lot of stuff in this pack. It's a 120g noodle block like Samyang packs so there's tons of noodles, there's a veggie pack that is mostly green onions with some cabbage and carrots thrown in, a soup base that smells like pork bullion, and a pack of disgusting looking brown stuff. I think it has potential. Here goes.

Reminds me of hot & sour soup. And not that nasty ass bean thread stuff... the real Chinese soup. As far as taste goes it's not bad, has a definite pork overtone and the noodles are pretty good quality. I microwaved this one for 5 minutes rather than the 4 it suggested on the package and they came out great. I'm giving this one a 7/10. It was pretty good, but the pork flavor left a weird aftertaste in my mouth and to tell you the truth I don't know if the world is ready for pork chop flavored ramen. Not bad, though.

1 comment:

  1. This is my favorite ramen (at least right now). I love that weird little flavor packet. I can't find any place that sells the product where I don't have to buy at least $40 to get free shipping, so I have to save up till I have that much in an order to get my precious noodles. The waiting makes them taste better...
