Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ve Wong Kung-Fu Vietnam Chicken Flavor Ramen

Country of origin: Vietnam
Bought at Super Oriental Market

So I know it's been a little while since the last update, but I've been eating more ramen recently so the updates should come more often now. I reviewed the Vietnam beef flavor a while back and it was pretty good so here's the chicken variant. Don't you just love how they set such high expectations with that delicious looking picture of chicken on the package? Yeah buddy, that ain't in there. Anyway, here we go!

Regular ol' noodle block, a powder seasoning pack, a goop seasoning pack, and a good size pack of veggies. The veggie pack has green onions, carrots and cabbage. Cabbage in my ramen = big thumbs up which is a little strange since I don't really like cabbage any other way, but some cabbage in the soup can really add something to it I think.

Hah. This bowl has a secret that maybe I'll reveal to you all one day. Maybe.... but if I told you at this point I'd hafta kill ya. Deadly bowl secrets aside, here's the finished product. Looks pretty average, and I didn't realize before I cooked it that this soup also has some fake chicken thingies in it. I've had several run ins with fake beef thingies but never fake chicken thingies... which are absolutely tasteless, but that's how thingies in ramen usually are. Like eating paper. BUT!! If you look past the fake chicken, this stuff is a very good chicken ramen. The noodles as with the other Vietnam Ve Wong ramen are better quality than the ones made in Taiwan, and it just tastes pretty dang good. I'm giving this one a solid 8/10 for being a bowl of chicken flavored goodness.

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