Sunday, October 24, 2010

Nissin Cup Noodles PaniPuri Flavor

Country of origin: India
Bought at: Indonesian Food Market in Atlanta, GA
Price: 79¢

So when we were in Atlanta we also went to this little Indonesian food market. I was hoping they would have some Indomie noodles, but sadly they had none. None! Damn. They did have some other types of instant noodles, however, so I picked up some unique looking instant ramen from India. Nissin products are usually pretty good... I've eaten a lot of Top Ramen if my lifetime. I've actually eaten Pani Puri before at Indian restaurants and I am definitely  fan. It's a kind of dumpling that has potatoes and spices, sometimes it has chick peas in it as well. They are usually REALLY spicy. So let's see how this soup measures up.

I took a picture of the lid of the cup also, which is adorned with pictures of the dumplings it's named after. I really like the cup this soup comes in, it just looks really neat. Time to cook!

Shit! I didn't even think about the lid of this cup being metal before I popped it in the microwave. 30 seconds hadn't passed before I saw sparks a flyin'! After putting out the flames I took the top off the cup and continued cooking.

So here's what I ended up with. You can see the black part on the top of the cup where it burned... I'm going to take a class on microwaving stuff before I start any more fires. On to the soup. It is spicy, but it doesn't taste anything like the Pani Puri I've had. As in not very good. The soup does contain a few whole chick peas and a lot of carrots, but the noodles are exactly like any other Top Ramen I've had, nothing special. The flavor is just not something I like. Other people may like it, but I just don't. Bottom line: cool packaging, be careful not to start a fire, and tastes nasty (at least to me). 1/10

1 comment:

  1. I would have grabbed the cat first and you second...what can I saw, I love me kitty! J/K baby, but seriously try not to burn our crib down :)
