Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ve Wong Peppered Beef Flavor Ramen

Country of origin: Taiwan
Bought at: Super Oriental Market in Homewood, AL
Price: 69¢
I had heard good things about this one. I wasn’t impressed with my first Ve Wong ramen but I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and give this one a try. Peppered beef flavor sounds pretty good… kinda like beef jerky? Let’s open this very orange package up and see what we got inside…

Standard noodle block, big packet that’s half veggies and half soup base, and a pack of disgusting looking goo. Just looks so appetizing sitting there in its plastic wrapper, all brown and puke-like. Puke aside, the quantity of vegetables does not disappoint here. It’s got a generous quantity of carrots, cabbage, and others that really fluff up in hot water. I decided to be brave and open up the goop and found that it actually had a pleasant aroma of pepper and meat. Again, similar to beef jerky. Shows where my mind is, huh? Let’s cook this bad boy up.

Looks good. Smells good, too. Has a pleasant beefy soup smell and you can see chunks of stuff in it. For ramen, that’s pretty high class. Upon eating, I found that it even has these little chunks of fake meat (and I say fake because on the wrapper it says “artificial” beef flavor) that taste surprisingly good! Each part of this soup adds something to the overall flavor; the fake meat, the pepper (though it’s not overly spicy) and the veggies along with the soup base come together very nicely. My only complaint is the noodles do not seem to have a good consistency and were very droopy and soft. The taste of the soup makes up for this, however. I will definitely be trying other Ve Wong products. If the noodles were better I’d give it a 9/10, but they’re not, so I’m going to give this one a solid 8/10.

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