Monday, February 14, 2011

Wingfood Mie Sedaap Mie Goreng

Country of origin: Indonesia
Bought at Sunrise Market in Knoxville, TN

I know I'm getting a little lax with my updates, or slacking off some may say, but I am making an effort! Just been really, really busy. So anyway, here's a review of some Mie Goreng noodles from a company I've never heard of. The name alone is worth mentioning though, Sedaap! That's really fun to say.

So here's the deal. Regular looking noodle block, probably a little bit bigger than its Indomie counterpart, but you get not one, not two, but FIVE packs of stuff! I know it looks like four in the picture, there's an orange pack under the soy sauce there. Soy sauce, orange goop, kinda creamy and brown goop (yum), soup base, and a pack of fried onions to go on top! Sounds good.

Looks a lot like Indomie, too. They taste similar, but the Indomie noodles are hands down much better both in taste and consistency. It was good to see another company making some Mi Goreng style noodles, though. These also have a very foul smell that you'll notice as soon as you mix them up. I mean, it'll smack you across the face with stank. That coupled with the a little-too-chewy consistency gets these a 6/10. Not bad, but with these it may be best to stick with what's best.

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