Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ve Wong Kung Fu Artificial Onion Flavor Ramen

Country of origin: Vietnam
Bought at Super Oriental Market

It's been a little while since I've eaten any Ve Wong noodles so I decided to give them a try. These are a fairly new flavor and I admit that artificial onion flavor doesn't sound too great, but I'm going to give them a shot anyway. Another ingredient is "artificial pork flavor," so maybe it will taste like something else, too. By the way, I think I'm going to start doing all my package pics this way instead of taking the pic before I open the package, it seems to come out better.

So there's a seasoning pack and a pack of "flavored oil" which kinda looks like minced onion and is more solid than an oil. Time to cook!

I thought a super closeup picture may have been in order. There are a lot of onions in this soup (duh) and... not much else. This is the closest ramen will ever get to tasting like biting into an onion. I hope so anyway. If for some twisted reason you like eating onions by themselves (and I don't mean in tasty situations like onion rings or a bloomin' onion) then try these out, otherwise... onion. That's all there is to say. 4/10.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Can you tell Me which packet contains pork? I'm hoping the one with the minced onion and oil. Because I like the powdered seasoning and I don't want to have to discontinue using it. I just tried this brand for the 1st time yesterday and I like it a lot. Thanks for your help if you can see this😊
