Monday, April 23, 2012

WaiWai Casserole Beef Flavour Noodles

Country of Origin:  Thailand
Bought at Super Oriental Market

So the first thing I'm noticing about these is that sticker on the package below where it says "casserole," which I'll discuss in a moment. What's under that damn sticker?

WTF?? Was that really necessary? A lot of ramen I eat has a nutrition label slapped on the back which I completely understand, but I wonder why they felt they needed to put that on there? Hmm...

So here's the content of the package. The white stuff is coconut oil and there's a decent smelling spice pack. Before we cook, take a look at this:

Four different languages! Truly international ramen.

So I ended up with some basic looking stuff. Why is this called a casserole? Just to make sure I didn't have some kind of mistaken view, I looked up the world casserole in the dictionary. A casserole is defined as "a baking dish of glass, pottery, etc., usually with a cover." or "any food, usually a mixture, cooked in such a dish." Any food? Well I guess then you could call anything a casserole, as long as it's edible. So how are these?
They taste okay with a pretty standard beef flavor, but I am not digging the quality of the noodles. I cooked them almost twice as long as the package said and they still had that chewy, not quite done consistency. I'm giving these a 4/10.

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