Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Nissin Demae Curry Flavor Ramen

Country of origin: Hong Kong
Bought at: Super H-Mart in Atlanta, GA
Price: 89¢

That's right, bought at H-Mart in Atlanta. We took a trip over there a couple weeks ago, not JUST for the express purpose of buying ramen but I admit it was a part of the plan. I went to an H-Mart for the first time. If you've never been there it's a bigass Asian grocery store, like almost as big as Wal-Mart. We don't have them in Alabama, the closest thing being the Super Oriental Market which you can see I have bought a ton of noodles from. We tried to go to another store called 99 Ranch Market but it had closed down recently. There seems to be a whole Asian section of Atlanta though, full of restaurants and authentic looking Pho places... we will definitely go back.
So here's one of the ramens I picked up in Atlanta, Nissin Demae curry flavor. Nissin is the company that makes Top Ramen if anyone out there didn't already know. I had heard good things about the Demae ramen. It comes in a variety of flavors but this one is the only one the H-Mart had in stock at the time. Curry flavored ramen sounds pretty good, though, so let's give it a try.

Standard looking if not kind of bleached white noodle block and one, count 'em, one pack of seasoning. Maybe this is going to be a lot like the American stuff? Let's find out...

To me, there's just something cool about a square bowl. There's a lot of noodles in this pack o' ramen, almost as much as a Samyang pack. They seem to be good quality noodles and have a good consistency and the flavor is most definitely curry. The smell will smack you across your face as soon as you open the microwave. It smells kind of like some stuff I've had in Indian restaurants which is no surprise and is pleasant if you like curry. Imagine eating noodles in a curry flavored soup. I know that sounds redundant, but that's really the best way to describe it. If you like the taste of curry, you will like this soup. Personally I thought it was pretty good and would definitely eat this one again. This is the first type of curry ramen I've had but I've got a couple more to try out that I picked up recently so I will be reviewing them shortly. I get the feeling that this one comes down to the individual, whether you like the taste or not is up to you. Personally I think they were pretty dang good. 8/10

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