Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ve Wong Sesame Chicken Ramen

Country of origin: Taiwan
Bought at: Super Oriental Market in Homewood, AL
Price: 99¢
Sounds good, right? I thought so, too. I love Chinese food, Americanized or otherwise, and sesame chicken has been a favorite of mine for as long as I can remember. Plus, it comes in one of the shiniest packages I’ve ever seen. So what’s not to like? I grabbed this one off the shelf faster than you can say “artificial sesame chicken flavor!”
So let’s see what we got here….

Pretty standard block o’ noodles with a soup base pack and a pack of seasoning oil. The soup base was a nondescript white powder and the oil was very greasy and had a very strong smell of cooked chicken. I spilled some of it on myself and it was like trying to get motor oil off my hand. So with the knowledge that many things that have undesirable textures can often taste good, we press on and cook the noodles per instructions on the package.

 The finished product. Looks pretty standard, kind of like chicken Top Ramen. Except that when you take a close look you can see a lot of grease sitting on top of the soup. This ramen wins the prize for the greasiest bowl of ramen I’ve ever encountered, as in greasier than actually eating sesame chicken. That being said, it does have a very strong chicken taste and you can definitely tell you are eating chicken flavored ramen, but the problem is it doesn’t taste like much else. It’s not overly salty which is good, but it suffers from a lack of any kind of spices and the grease factor kind of kills it for me. So, how was it?
Overall, I give it a 6/10. It wasn’t terrible, but not great and way too greasy for ramen. Sounds way better than it actually tastes.

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