Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Just a quick note...

Look at this crap. I didn't take this picture... I found it in a Google image search. I'm tempted to try it myself with a ridiculously sharp knife and a cup of Maruchan. We as Americans need to get our 28 cents worth when we buy ramen in a cup. Screw those jerks!

On another note, this is officially my 51st post. Keep on ramening!


  1. LOL O_O!! That sucks. I was just eating a cup ramen too...Now I feel jipped.

  2. I know! Those greedy ramen companies are always tryin' to screw us hardworking Americans.

  3. You must take into account the expansion of the noodles.

  4. its 28 cents for chrissakes!
    just eat the damn thing.
