Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ve Wong Pork & Chicken Flavor

Country of origin: Taiwan
Bought at Super Oriental Market for 49c

Pork and chicken flavor. Kinda like pork and beans? Not really. At least hopefully not. Could be good though, now that I think about it. A lot of things are made from pork and chicken anyway. Hot dogs, vienna sausage, other kindsa sausage, dog food. So yeah. Could be good. Let's check it out.

Standard looking if not extra curly noodle block with a bigass silver pack that contains soup base and veggies and a pack of disgusting looking goop. Scrumdiddlyumptious!

Whenever a ramen contains a pack of goop like that it's going to be greasy, and this one is no exception. You can see the grease sitting on top of the soup. This one actually tastes pretty good to me. There's a lot of veggies, mostly green onions but there's some cabbage and carrots in there too. There's also a lot of spices going on here. It's not hot by any means, but it is very "tasty" if you get what I'm sayin. There's a lot of stuff to taste here. To me it doesn't really taste like either chicken or pork, but it is pretty good. Ve Wong noodles tend to be either pretty good or just not good... I'd definitely eat these again. For sure one of the better offerings from Ve Wong. Doesn't taste as advertised, but that's possibly a good thing. As with some other Ve Wongs this one suffered on the noodle quality. They were good enough but didn't have a pleasant texture to me like Samyang or Nongshim noodles do. Better noodles would have gotten this one an 8, but they aren't better, so I'm giving it a solid 7/10.


  1. Al Dente the noodles! My favorite is the spicy beef (which you covered in September) but these ain't too bad! The noodles are some of the more flavorful ones out there really. (someone told me it tasted like pringles...that good eh? but seriously, I do a dry vs wet taste test on my noodles and guage cooking time to get the texture I want based on what I get)

    You can nuke the bases in water and just dump the noodles in if you like crunchy. I sometimes make this thick or thin...depending on mood. I just love the flavor of these. I get cases all the time.

  2. Yeah these were pretty good. From my experience the Ve Wong noodles aren't as good quality as some others out there. I love the al dente texture (like spaghetti) and it's usually easy to do with good quality noodles, but Ve Wong noodles tend to either be not cooked enough or limp and lifeless. Thanks for the comment!
