Thursday, December 2, 2010

Assi Pho Vietnamese Noodle Soup

GRAAARRRRGHHH! Damn Blogger site won't let me turn that pic the right way. Oh well. You get the idea.

Country of origin: Korea
Bought at Tokyo Asian Food in Hoover, AL for $1.99

So y'all know that I loves me a big steamin' bowl o' pho. How 'bout a big steamin' tray? This one definitely scores points with the packaging. The soup on the package looks tasty and there's even a hot cartoon Korean girl. Maybe she's giving that wink because she's a secret North Korean agent? Hmm...

Anyway, here's what you get in the package. A big pack of soup base and a not so big pack of unsettling, nasty looking brown goop. Oh yeah, there's some noodles too. Basically you just mix everything together with some boiling water and let it sit for 5 minutes. Here we go!

Ok, this is starting to piss me off. I wanted this pic to be sideways but it comes out this way. What the hell is Blogger's problem? But I digress. The soup is really just ok. It only vaguely tastes like pho and smells disgusting. The noodles are very, very thin and do not have a good texture. After it sits like this for about 5 minutes there will be hardly any soup left because the noodles will have soaked it all up. That would be alright if it made them taste better, but it doesn't. This is a pho impostor at best. I'm giving it a 3/10 for the packaging and it not being completely disgusting, but not good either. By the way, does the soup that I ended up with look anything remotely like the picture on the package? Didn't think so.

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