Saturday, November 6, 2010

Jin Ramyon Mild

Country of origin: Korea
Bought at: Korean Market
Price: 99¢

After that nastiness I needed something better to actually eat. I picked up Jin Ramyon at a Korean Market in Homewood the other day. It was a pretty nice store with a good selection of noodles and other stuff. I've never seen so much kimchi. Always fun to go to a new store with new possibilities. So, here's Jin Ramyon, at least the mild variant. I think I picked up the hot one, too, so I'll try it soon.

Pretty standard stuff here. It's a big Samyang size noodle block so there's a ton of noodles here. There's a soup base that smells paprika-ish and a pack of vegetables.

Looks good. Tastes deliciously average. Nothing special here. There is a lot of noodles, but these are just kind of bland and I'd rather eat Samyang any day of the week. I'm giving this a 6/10.

I forgot to mention that an ingredient listed on the package is cuttlefish. Granted, it is the very last ingredient, but I think we can all still let out a collective "eeeeeeeewwww" upon reading that. Don't know what a cuttlefish is? Look it up. Then you'll see why.

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