Friday, November 12, 2010

Ve Wong Kung-Fu Vietnam Beef Flavor Ramen

Country of origin: Vietnam
Bought at Super Oriental Market
Price: 59¢

So here's another KUNG FU noodle from Ve Wong. Ve Wong noodles tend to be either really good or not good at all. This one is "Vietnam flavor" according to the package. Tastes like war, or communism maybe? Anyway, most Ve Wong noodles are from Taiwan, but these are from Vietnam. Maybe they're made by someone else? Well, their website is in Chinese so I guess we'll never know. On to the noodles!

Regular ol' noodle block with a bigass veggie pack with carrots, corn, onions and fake beef thingies, soup base, and some soy sauce. Usually fake beef thingies don't taste good, but I'm willing to give this one a shot. Here goes.

Well, it's ok. It's got a lot of noodles for sure, and a little bit of spicy flavor, but not much. The fake meat thingies are better than some others I've had... they actually do have taste to them and have a decent texture. The noodles in this one seem to be a little bit better quality than other Ve Wongers, also. The soup itself tastes like pretty standard beef ramen with a little bit of spice. There is a lot of oil sitting on top of the soup and if you mix it up it still settles back on top. So if you don't like oily or greasy ramen, don't get this one. I thought it was ok though, I'm giving it a 7/10.

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